Deep ecology and my initial awakening (pt 6)

Part 6: University and the teacher that truly changed my life, a Native Algerian Berbere Philosopher/Manager/Psychologist! So as you can probably see in Part 5, I could write an entire book just on our 7-month European journey, but I digress, this is NOT an autobiography, but more of a treatise to awaken our deeper selves, …

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Deep ecology and my initial awakening (pt 5)

Welcome back! Part 5 – Europe and getting off of YOUR beaten path One of the most exciting and interesting experiences in my life was a seven-month SWAP (Student Work Abroad Program) program to Europe. It was during the first Gulf War from August 1990 to April 1991, and it was probably the most incredible …

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Deep ecology and my initial awakening (pt 4)

Part 4 - The travel bug bites and my activist days – Late teens and Early twenties Just before going to CEGEP, which is Quebec’s trampoline school between high school and University, I went on my first school exchange. CEGEP usually lasts about 2 years if you plan on going to University or 3 years for …

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Deep ecology and my initial awakening (pt 1)

Growing up in a small town called Knowlton in the 1970s was an interesting experience, to say the least. With a population of about 1000 inhabitants at the time, I was an only child, quite the loner and was always very in tune with nature and the forest, spending much of my free time wandering the forests around my house. I would climb to the top of a 50-foot pine so I could have an unencumbered view of our beautiful Brome Lake less than half a mile away. The swaying of the treetops from the mild summer breezes would give me some exhilaration but so would the breathtaking view and the thrill and danger of being so high up. 

Some of my favorite Adyashanti quotes

“If you prefer smoke over fire then get up now and leave. For I do not intend to perfume your mind's clothing with more sooty knowledge. No, I have something else in mind. Today I hold a flame in my left hand and a sword in my right. There will be no damage control today. …

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